Letter: Bill Louda Supports Anita Kane

Dear “Grovers,” as Mrs. Ellie Hope called us. I am writing this letter in support of the campaign of Mrs. Anita Kane to retain Seat 3 on the Loxahatchee Groves Town Council.

During her tenure on the Loxahatchee Groves Water Control District Board of Supervisors, she served us well, and during her short appointed stint on the council, she has shown good judgment. There has been some upset about Mrs. Kane bringing Mr. Jaime Titcomb forward to replace Underwood Management Services Group. However, having worked with Mr. Titcomb during our incorporation efforts in 2006, I am very pleased with his nomination and approval by the council, and I thank Anita for this.

I look forward to a rejuvenated council and a future for the Groves in-line with our neighborhood plan and overall vision for a rural lifestyle amenable to all resident landowners, be they just residents like myself and my wife, a few wonderful nonprofit operations, as well as nursery or equestrian interests.

Please vote for Mrs. Anita Kane. I will.

Bill Louda, Loxahatchee Groves