U.S. Term Limits Praises Willhite For Pledge

U.S. Term Limits, the leader in the national, non-partisan movement to limit terms for elected officials, is gathering support from elected officials across Florida. Its mission is to advocate for term limits on all elected officials. State Rep. Matt Willhite (D-District 86) has committed to defend term limits in Florida by signing the term limits pledge.

“Matt’s support of term limits shows that there are individuals who are willing to listen to the majority of voters who want term limits,” USTL President Philip Blumel said. “The people are best served by citizen legislators, not career politicians.”

The pledge is provided to candidates and elected officials statewide. It reads, “I pledge to take no action that would aid or abet the abolition or lengthening of term limits to which elected officials in Florida are subject.”

Thanks to term limits, Florida also sees remarkably high rates of open seat races and incumbents who face primary challengers.

According to a 2018 nationwide poll, term limits enjoys wide bipartisan support.