The coronavirus pandemic has brought forth a set of sudden shared challenges and sacrifices. This is a time that requires patience from us all — no one has been left unaffected. I urge you to stay at home as much as possible and practice social distancing. Please keep everyone who is suffering through this terrible illness or experiencing economic hardship in your thoughts and prayers.
I am heartened by the swift response of government and business to assist our country through this trying time, and I want to share with you some helpful links and resources:
Please follow my Facebook page where I push out community updates and news throughout the day:
Official Palm Beach County news and emergency orders can be found here:
The Florida Association of Counties offers statewide county resources and analysis, including a COVID-19 county response dashboard:
The National Association of Counties offers nationwide county resources and analysis:
The U.S. Small Business Administration provides small business guidance and loan resources:
To apply for Florida Reemployment Assistance:
To apply for the Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program:
Florida Power and Light coronavirus updates:
Finally, while we are faced with difficult news each day, let us not forget to remain strong for the youngest among us. They desperately need our stability and guidance during these unexpected days of upheaval. One of those youngest is Aurora, the two-month-old daughter of my aide, Joseph. Here’s a big smile from beautiful Aurora to lift us up!