Art Society To Feature Monica Postell

The Wellington Art Society will feature artist Monica Postell on Wednesday, Nov. 8.

The meeting will take place at the Wellington Community Center (12150 W. Forest Hill Blvd.). It will open with a meet-and-greet at 5:30 p.m., followed by the member spotlight and a brief business meeting. The event will conclude with a presentation from Postell. For more info., contact Heather Bergstrom at

Postell, formerly from Chicago, visited the Art Institute of Chicago regularly. She now resides in Delray Beach and Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, with a view of little Lake Marie.

Throughout her business career, Postell exercised creativity by hand-painting Christmas cards, painting ceramic gifts for friends and family, and even designing needlepoint canvases. She began to paint full time after retiring in 2019.

Postell works in watercolor, pastels and acrylics.

Postell’s paintings celebrate color and use light and deep shadow to bring drama and atmosphere. She paints still life, landscapes, roomscapes, and portraits of children, adults and pets, in color-saturated watercolor, gouache, soft pastel or acrylic.

Some of her recent awards include the 2022 APBC juried show Judge’s Recognition for “Unmade Bed” (watercolor on cold press); the 2023 APBC juried show Featured Artist and Judge’s Recognition for “Sitting on the Dock” (acrylic on canvas); and the 2023 Fall International Online Exhibition National Oil & Acrylic Painters Society (applied).

See more of Postell’s work at, or find her on Instagram and Facebook.

The Wellington Art Society is a nonprofit charitable organization in its 41st year. It is open to artists of all mediums and patrons of the arts, allowing both local and regional artists to display their artwork in local galleries, interact with other artists and serve the community through their art.

For more information, visit