Letter: Royal Palm Beach Should Build Path

The Village of Royal Palm Beach was not only right in purchasing the 109 Heron Parkway property, but they need to get the entrance built and ready to go. I regularly walk through the village for exercise. Frequently, I enjoy the bike paths under the power lines, and have long wished for an easy entrance to the magnificent Commons Park. The connection of paths through the park with the proposed entrance at Heron Parkway makes sense in so many ways. Not having an entrance in the northeast corner of the park means that the closest entrance for someone on bike or on foot is at the southeast entrance from Sandpiper Ave. While the neighborhood of Sandpiper Ave. is a friendly, pleasant neighborhood to walk through, it seems a shame not to be able to walk through this park that is such a centerpiece for Royal Palm Beach.

At the same time, I can fully support that the entrance should be a walking and biking path similar to the entrance on Sandpiper Ave., and should never be used for vehicular traffic. A well-landscaped bike-way through the purchased property should be constructed as soon as possible. Properly done, it can enhance the immediate neighborhood and greatly improve access for all in the village.

Jim Stephan, Royal Palm Beach