Are you, the people of Palm Beach County, happy to have our county called “Corruption County?” Nationwide, Palm Beach County is called “Corruption County.” Why is that, and how did that happen? Who controls the people in political power in the towns, cities and our county? We, the voters do. Therefore, we are the ones who are responsible for getting rid of the title “Corruption County.”
How? By watching and following the voting on issues of the people you put into their political positions. Are they voting for the issues you voted for or something else? There is one county commissioner who has been voting for the will of the people, Jess Santamaria. His term on the county commission will be expiring soon. His daughter, Michelle Santamaria, is running to replace him on the county commission. She is running as an independent because she doesn’t not want to be obligated to any party. She is running because she wants to be obligated only to the people of Palm Beach county. She is an outstanding attorney on a national level and will be a commissioner for the people like her father is.
George Peltzmacher, Royal Palm Beach
CULTURE OF CORRUPTION = McKinlay Campaign: Has all the players of corruption of the past who fought the PBC IG.