Editor’s note: The following letter is in response to the article “PBSO Chief Deputy Signs Off After Five Decades” published Feb. 12.
Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy Michael Gauger’s retirement leaves a real void in our community. I wonder how many others share the same experience as Mr. Woody, who literally credits Mr. Gauger with saving his life? I suspect Mr. Woody is merely the tip of a very large iceberg, as Mr. Gauger has positively changed the trajectory of countless lives here in Palm Beach County. His work on behalf of both PBSO and the numerous nonprofit organizations in which he is active has made a real difference. His pioneering work in community policing alone is an amazing legacy, but he has done so much more. Mr. Gauger’s retirement is obviously very well deserved but, knowing him, will simply open new avenues for him to continue to give back. It’s in his DNA. Our community owes him a huge debt of gratitude.
Mickey Smith, Wellington