Letter: Are Gerwig Ads Misleading?

In the Feb. 28 issue of the Town-Crier, in a front page article titled “Wellington Council Confirms Plan To Move Tennis Center,” it was reported that Councilwoman Anne Gerwig recused herself from the vote because of past business contracts with an architecture firm involved in the bid. Then, on page 5 of that same edition, Ms. Gerwig ran a half-page ad that included the following: “Anne voted against the council majority decision to relocate the tennis courts from their present location.” I find it hard to believe two things: your front page story wasn’t accurate and Ms. Gerwig thought she could recuse herself from a vote and then claim she voted against the motion.

Although I’m very concerned about Ms. Gerwig’s misrepresentation of her actions, what really bothers me is how many times Ms. Gerwig will have to recuse herself in the future. I think the citizens of Wellington represented by council Seat 2 deserve someone who can vote all the time on all the issues affecting the life of our community.

Suzanne Bassett, Wellington

Editor’s note: The votes referred to in Ms. Gerwig’s advertisement were taken in January 2013 and May 2013, when the initial votes to move the tennis center were made. Since Pirtle Construction was selected for the project, she has recused herself from voting. Ms. Gerwig opposed moving the tennis center on Jan. 22, 2013 (4-1 vote with Ms. Gerwig the lone dissenter) and opposed moving tennis to the Village Walk site on May 14, 2013 (3-2 vote with Ms. Gerwig and Mr. Coates dissenting).