Editor’s note: The following letter is in response to the letter “An Opportunity to Heal the Community” by Victor Connor published last week.
As the first president and one of the founders of the Wellington Chamber of Commerce, I can no longer sit back and listen to, and read, the inane words being promulgated by its current president, Victor Connor.
It’s not only very bad business for a purported member of the business community to speak so venomously about anyone, it becomes a reflection of how he manages the chamber, as well as his own business.
This type of nasty and childish rhetoric has been going on for several years by three or four members of the chamber and its very biased political action committee. (Why the chamber even needs a PAC is questionable.)
The chamber is a private group and can act anyway it thinks is in it and its members’ best interest, but speaking as a longtime Wellington business person, I am very sad to see this turn of events within the chamber, and hope the more reasonable members will take back control of that organization.
A change in the village has to start somewhere, and this appears to be the obvious place to begin a transition to ordered, truthful and relevant intercourse among the members.
I would ask those of you who are current Wellington Chamber of Commerce members to take a more active interest in the activities of the various committees, and include morals, ethics, common sense and kindness to each other in your ongoing activities.
Jack Van Dell, Wellington
Jack, thank you for your voice of reason. We are still trying to figure out how the Wellington Chamber was hijacked but a Political Action Group. The members that I speak with are embarrassed and ashamed by its current leadership. Conor, of Lake Worth, insanely speaks of the inane. He needs to tend to the affairs of Lake Worth where he lives and works. We need to keep the stupendously ignorant clowns out of Wellington.
Again, thanks for supporting Wellington. Your Horse Park was a wonderful idea to bring Western Riding to our Village. The ignoramuses don’t even know the difference between show jumping and western. That’s another reason to keep the clowns out of Wellington.
Jack you are one of the group that has been fostering the negativity and divisiveness in Wellington. The house of cards you called the Horse Park was a waste of time and money for the village and was your way of trying to be a big shot and compete with Bellissimo who you constantly bad mouth.
You are against Howard, Anne, Bellissimo, the horse shows, etc..Try being for something (other than seeking a discounted asset of the Village) instead of against everything
Mr. Van Dell is a sensible voice, even though the Horse Park he envisions for KPark is inappropriate.