Letter: The Power Of The Press

Regarding my letter to the Town-Crier, “Speed Bumps For Sunset But Not Tangerine,” published Feb. 14, I was quite impressed with the response it generated from the Indian Trail Improvement District.

Kudos to President Carol Jacobs, who contacted me before my copy of the Town-Crier had arrived in the mail. I was also contacted by Mr. Jim Shallman, the district manager, who shed some light on the topic of speed bumps/humps at this dangerous intersection.

It is very reassuring to know that at least two individuals, Jacobs and Shallman, are not treating me with contempt. Thank you both.

To all in the western communities, I say never ever underestimate the power of the press.

Thanks also to the Town-Crier. As we move forward, ITID, the ball is now firmly in your court. Come on, let’s get this job done.

Giving the people (your constituents) what they want should always be your number one priority.

Karl Witter, The Acreage