Letter: Saddened, Not Surprised By Minto West Vote

Editor’s note: The following letter is addressed to the Palm Beach County Commission. A copy was sent to the Town-Crier for publication.

Dear Commissioners:

I am very saddened by your 6-1 vote to initiate the Minto West proposal. Saddened, but not surprised.

All the talk about capturing trips by creating employment in the central western communities is just plain buffalo chips. I am positive that you realize that creating a job for five nearby residents, you will also create jobs for many times that number that will come from outside the central western communities bringing traffic, traffic, traffic.

As to the intent of Minto, they insulted all of the existing residents out here in their first advertisement. They stated that they will “enliven and enlighten the western communities.” Wow, what a way to create friends and influence people!

Minto knew what they were buying — a property that was already vested in the Ag Enclave legislation and approved for 2,996 units. (Though Callery-Judge should have only received 2,303 — do the math!)

Why do you have a planning commission? They voted 11-0 to deny initiation and deny a “second bite at the apple.” If you’re not listening to them, disband them and quit wasting everyone’s time with the mere appearance of investigation, discussion and planning.

The Palm Beach County that you are creating is getting more and more vanilla daily — sameness everywhere and no alternate choices. I am very glad that I have no children to live in the concrete and asphalt jungle that you are creating.

I am from Oakland Park/Fort Lauderdale. I have lived in Pompano Beach, Boca Raton and Delray Beach, and have been running from development for a long time. I thought I found peace on our five acres in Loxahatchee Groves — what part of Palm Beach County/South Florida do I move to next? Eleuthera?

Please tell this proposal no. Further, learn how to say no to developers and run your campaigns with less of their funds. It is way past time to go back to countywide elections, so six commissioners cannot ruin the district of the seventh.

Recall that I gave each of you a copy of Patrick Smith’s book A Land Remembered. It is clear that six of you did not read it, or if you did, you didn’t learn a damn thing!

Just say no. Put high density/intensity around major transportation corridors like the turnpike and I-95. It ain’t rocket science.

Dr. J. William Louda, Loxahatchee Groves



  1. I am not suggesting that my roads will be paved or I will be forced to get city water/sewer just because MInto owns the property across the street from me. The point I am making is that I bought my home in the country to live the rural lifestyle. By the way, the pipes for water and sewer were already laid down when another development went in about 7 years ago. The point I was making is that When property is purchased it is already is zoned. They knew the zoning when they purchased the land. Just like I did when I purchased mine. I cannot legally have more than one home on my property. I cannot build a hotel on my property. I am not zoned for that. They need to work within the constraints of the laws regarding the land they purchased, not the land they wish they purchased! I am not an armchair whatever you called me. I am a resident that lives across the street from the property get that straight!

    • If you think Palm Beach County, S. Florida is “out in the Boonies”
      you really must not get around much Dawn.

      btw: They are working within the “constraints of the law” as you put it and getting the proper forms filed so they do follow the law.
      That’s the way things work in the good ole USA.

      ps: I guess you should have done your due diligence regarding the location of your property, next to one of the largest empty parcels of land in the County, let alone region before you bought into it. I hear the same tales of woe time and time again from those that purchase homes near airports…

  2. So ELizaT, I’m thinking of building a strip joint and adult toy store on my property. I’m assuming I have your full support since I LEGALLY OWN my property. TIA.

    • Do whatever you want. This is America. If it is legal and approved, so be it.

      ps: still awaiting Dawn to explain her comments about losing her dirt road etc?

      Typically, when questions are posed that can’t be answered the No people run and hide.

  3. So Eliza I’m thinking of building a strip joint & an adult toy store on my property. I’m assuming I will have your full support Because IT IS MY PROPERTY THAT I LEGALLY OWN.

  4. Eliza T., would it help if Dr. Louda would say the VAST MAJORITY of the residents in the Acreage / Loxahatachee area oppose this overdevelopment? I have been to the PCC and BCC meetings where the opposers outnumber the supporters by at least 20 to 1. Individuals may say supporters are afraid to speak up, for fear of verbal retalization from opposors, but I can assure you many opposers are afraid to speak up just for the same reason, to be brow beaten by the supporters.

    However, as Dr. Louda keeps saying, do the math. What is being proposed does not add up, and the VAST MAJORITY of the residents out here would probably say the same thing.

  5. Why are the 2,996 homes and the non-residential projects that have already been approved not enough for Minto?? This was not a secret to them when they spent the money on the land. Why should our community grow out of control to 6,500 homes plus other commercial investments just because they want to make more money for themselves. It they wanted high density land, they should have purchased it in the first place. I would be willing to bet that the commissioners that voted for this, stand to reap some reward in the future. Minto mentions jobs. why do we need jobs in the acreage? I purchased my land “out in the boonies” so when I came home from work I could escape the city life. I enjoy my star-filled skies, and the wildlife and the dirt roads. I have even grown to appreciate the well water and septic tank…giving me more autonomy from government dependence on these services. Minto already has the right to build. That is not disputed. I wish they would stop throwing money at the county because their greed wants more at our expense.

    • So you are an armchair entrepreneur as well Dawn who will dictate
      how and what is going to be built on someone else’s legally owned property.
      I highly doubt you would approve, if others told you what to do on your own land.

      ps: someone paving over your dirt road? or taking your septic and water system away? stop spreading unsubstantiated rumors

  6. Dr Louda,

    Please stop using the word “all” as you do NOT speak for me.
    I have never been insulted, as you say, by anything Minto has proposed.
    I welcome Minto as do many of the Acreage residents.

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