Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Royal Palm Beach

Cepeda-Russell Writes Book About Life Experiences

BY DAMON WEBB Local author Patty Cepeda-Russell recently released her book, From Obstacles to Opportunities. The book chronicles her journey through sensitive subjects like childhood sexual abuse and rape in the military. “The main reason I wrote this book was to...

CAFCI Rings In 2014 With RPB Gala

Caribbean-Americans for Community Involvement (CAFCI) held its 24th annual CAFCI New Year’s Eve Gala on Tuesday, Dec. 31 at the Royal Palm Beach Cultural Center. There was a buffet, entertainment from Top Ranking Sound and a 50/50 raffle. Guests...

2013 In Review: RPB Celebrates Park Opening

The Village of Royal Palm Beach basked in the fruits of its labor in 2013, taking time to enjoy its large new park, while crafting a vision for the village’s future. At long last, Royal Palm Beach Commons Park opened,...

RPB Throws In With Area Communities For SR 7 Lobbyist

The Royal Palm Beach Village Council pledged $5,000 to the Western Communities Council on Dec. 19 to help pay for a national lobbyist to support the State Road 7 extension to Northlake Blvd. Councilman David Swift told council members that...

RPBHS SADD Club Promotes Car Safety

The Royal Palm Beach High School Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Club is working on an event to award safe drivers. Last year, the club focused on their campaign of “No Texting, I’m Driving” and distributed more than 800 cell...

RPB Seniors Activity Group Holiday Fun

The Royal Palm Beach Seniors Activities Group held a holiday party on Friday, Dec. 20 at the Royal Palm Beach Cultural Center. Rick Nelson played oldies, and there was a holiday music sing-along, as well as a gift exchange...

RPB Zoners OK Larger Directional Signs At South University

The Royal Palm Beach Planning & Zoning Commission approved directional signage for South University at Belvedere Road and State Road 7 on Monday to reroute traffic after the college closed the road between the two existing buildings to create...

Sons Of Italy Visit P.W. Hospital

Members of the Sons of Italy Michelangelo Lodge in Royal Palm Beach delivered toys and games to the pediatric unit of Palms West Hospital on Thursday, Dec. 12. The toys were donated at a holiday party the Sons of...

RPB Places Stricter Rules On Political Campaign Signs

The Royal Palm Beach Village Council gave preliminary approval last week to an ordinance that would more strictly regulate political signs on village and private property. At the Dec. 5 council meeting, Planning & Zoning Director Bradford O’Brien said the...

Cypress Trails Pro-Active In Working With Struggling Readers

Cypress Trails Elementary School Principal Tameka Robinson and her instructional support team attended the Royal Palm Beach Education Advisory Board meeting Monday and explained how they coordinate efforts with teachers to help students who are not performing at grade...

Residents Provide Input At Workshop On New Dog Park

A handful of residents attended a workshop Tuesday to discuss plans for a large-scale dog park at Royal Palm Beach Commons Park. Royal Palm Beach Village Engineer Chris Marsh led the workshop, which was also attended by village staff and...

Family Fun At RPB Festival Of Lights

The Village of Royal Palm Beach hosted its annual Festival of Lights on Saturday, Dec. 7 at Commons Park. Guests enjoyed activities like ice skating, sledding and crafts, as well as live performances, food and more. The evening was...

Latest News

Wellington To Host Let’s Move Challenge Kick-Off Party

The Village of Wellington is excited to once again join communities and organizations across Palm Beach County for this...